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When are the right and the wrong times to fold a hand in poker?

Poker has a rich history to look back on and can still make a serious claim to be the most popular casino game around. Why is this? For many players, it is the deep gameplay and strategy that appeals. For others, it is outwitting other people at the table and coming out ontop. There are also a great number of poker varieties to try (such as Omahaand Texas Hold’em), so you never get bored.

Due to all this, poker is a game you will see at all casinos still. If you are looking for a top casinoonline to enjoy it at, why not check out Casino Passport? This is a great site for finding out more about this game and discovering some exciting versions of poker to enjoy. Before you dive right in though, it is wise to do a bit more research.

A good starting point is tofind out when you should and should not fold usually – but when might this be? 

When does it make sense to fold in poker? 

The main reason to fold in poker isthatyour pre-flop hand is bad. So many people play on with hands that stand little chance of winning when they should really fold. This can really hit your profits and bankroll over time. Of course, the reverse of this is folding when you think that one of your opponents has a strong hand that will probably beat you. If a very tight player suddenly makes a big raise in the betting, it makes sense to chuck your cards in and wait until the next hand.

Foldingin poker is also wise if you have picked up on an opponent’s tell from previous hands. If you see themdisplaying the same sort of behavior from when they won a previous hand, then it might be time to fold. 

When should you not fold in poker? 

If you get dealt what you think is a strong starting hand, you should not fold before the flop and should think carefully before folding later. It is also worth taking into account how cautious the other players are before folding. If they are all very riskaverse, it might be better to putin big raises to scare them off or waitfor them to lose their nerve and fold first. 

If you think that your opponent is bluffing a strong hand when they have a poor one, it naturally makes sense to stay in the hand. Don’t automatically think that you need to fold if you are in a late position on the table and someone early puts in a big raise either. 

Knowing when to fold in poker is a skill 

A big part of doing well in poker is knowing when andwhen not to fold. This is actually one of the best poker tips for beginners. If you can get this right, it will up your win ratio and help to protect your betting bank. 

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